Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Why the behaviours of your favourite customers matter to your brand

 ~ 15 min brand building exercise #3 ~

This blog is part of a series that will illustrate to business owners/start-ups/moonlighters/team leaders/product development teams how many different ways you can build your brand strategy DIY style easily for FREE. 

Discovering who your brand's ideal customer is can be an epiphany for a business :

1 Accept that your business is a people business. This is true no matter what you are selling if you are trying to pull at the needs, wants and desires of your customer. If you want loyal, happy customers you are going to have to figure out how to the adore the customers you have, or you have the opportuntity at any time to define the customers you want and then go find them.

2  Make a list of behaviours that your favourite clients exhibit. It may be as simple as a smile. One could have a dog and makes your business part of their routine. Listing the behaviours of your favourite customers should take you 15 minutes.

It could be only 2 out of 10, but then you'd be ready to discover that wonderful 80/20 Rule that states : '80% of your customers will provide 20% of your business and 20% of your customers will provide 80% of your business.' 

It is a shocking realisation for some brands, but if you think about those lovable customers in the 20% category, wouldn't you rather all your customers be more like them?

3  With your list in hand, ask yourself how your current customer base stack up to your new standards?
Now identify the customers in that 20% and strike up a conversation with them.

  • Find out things about them. You are looking for patterns in the customers you like. Maybe they like the Proms and you can consider a promotion that mentions that. You are simply connecting and showing that you are interested in them.
  • Tell them that you consider them to be one of your favourite customers because....
  • Tell them you are considering some changes in your business and then ask them why they like coming to your shop/online business? They will be telling you your strengths and the benefits they get from you.
  • Ask them if they'd like to see anything different, or is there something that would make the experience better for them. You can offer a teaser idea to gauge their response. Your testing your brand growth ideas to see if they match your customers expectations.
4  After the conversations (at least one a day for 5 days...if this sounds daunting) refine your list of behaviours exhibited by your favourite customers and lavish those customers with your newly borrowed brand values(see that blog).
5  Now that see some patterns in your customers, see how you can reach out to more in the pattern. 

Happy brand building today @BrandStarMe

~ A Message from the Brand Concierge team at BrandStarMe ~
It is just over a week to go on our crowdfunder campaign to introduce small business geniuses like yourself to the business game changer experience that you will receive when you take a a few minutes out of your day and build a solid brand strategy for your business. We are offering to review your brand, show you what goes into a brand strategy, how to create one step-by-step, plus give you the insights you'll need to turn your business in the right direction for about 60% off what our Brand Concierge would normally charge. We are only doing this once because we are a start-up about to launch our online tools and we are feeling super generous, so if you want in, pick your reward on the campaign right now.

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